Lesson 33: On Sexual Healing


I’m sorry guys, this was a much longer break from studying “The One” than anticipated. Moving is both fun and tedious and the last couple weeks have kept me pretty busy and making our new apartment feel like home and exploring our new neighborhood had been my main focus until now. Though, I have to say that I hadn’t completely forgotten about the book. In fact, I started reading lesson 33 about five times but it’s both pretty long and VERY spiritual. So, every time I would get to the end of the chapter, I was too annoyed to spend even more time on it by posting a blog. But I am committed and I do want to make it through the book, so here I am. Back on track, hopefully.

Today’s chapter talks about the power of sex(uality) in both relationships and life. The main message in this chapter, from what I got, is: GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER AND STOP MAKING DUMB DECISIONS ABOUT WHOM YOU SLEEP WITH! According to Woodward, sex is “nothing short of evidence of our God-like status.” She sees it as the biggest affirmation to life and a great power that we own and should learn to take control of. By learning how to gain sexual wholeness (connecting brain and lust), we supposedly learn how to gain more integrity and become less fragmented within. She also brings chakras into this whole thing, which I found a little overwhelming. I believe chakra is a huge field to study by its own and throwing that in the mix without ever having really talked about it in previous chapters makes this whole subject a little tiresome to get through. But that’s just me.

“Many of us use sex as a way to try to slip relationship through the backdoor, and it usually winds up to be yet another disappointing experience. If you’re going to have sex with someone without a clear commitment, please do yourself a favor and don’t expect sex to solidify the deal. I believe that many of us have learned that one too many times. “

Today’s practice exercise was a mediation practice that required me to breathe out any energies from former lovers that I’d been holding on to, while also releasing any anger or shame I’d held in my second chakra (genitals and lower belly). Then, on the inhales, I was supposed to reclaim my wholeness and retrieve portions of my heart that I had given away. Once feeling whole again, I was supposed to call the lover of my future into my meditation and gain a level of sensual connectedness with him. … Not gonna lie, I skipped this exercise. So far, none of the mediation lessons have worked out for me and I just end up feeling ridiculous. Instead, I thought about whether I had ever given pieces of my heart away with sex, hoping to gain more than what was realistic. I don’t think I did. Sure, I have let lust win over rationality once or twice but never in the hope that, ultimately, this was gonna get me a relationship. So yeah. Moving on from this weird chapter…